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Prayer List


Please mail intentions (in English, please, as we cannot translate other languages) to  Please put the words "Prayer Request" in the subject line.


If you would like to be sent urgent prayer requests, for someone in immediate danger of death, please email us at and we will add your name to the Urgent Prayer list. 


May God bless you! And thanks!

email prayer intentions weekly prayer list Saint Francis Third Order Confraternity of Penitents

On-going Intentions:

  • The Pope asks us to spend five minutes in prayer for those in power.

  • Prayer for America one Minute Every Night. Every evening at 9:00PM EST, stop whatever you are doing and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, and for peace in the world, for religious freedom, end to cancel culture, end to bullying.

  • For the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, including all the weapons used to kill our school children. Healing of our minds, so we can love God with all our heart, soul and mind. 

  • Special prayers are requested for God’s abundant blessings on the Archdiocese for Military Services, for our troops, for all the families left behind, for our President, for all heads of state and government officials in those countries involved in war.

  • Please pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, for his health and protection.

  • Please pray for the Church and for peace in the world.

  • Please pray for priests undergoing religious attack, and for vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and the Confraternity of Penitents.

  • Please pray for the hundreds of thousands of refugees – that they find a place to live in peace.

  • Please pray to end terrorism, genocide, war, abuse, neglect, hatred, human trafficking.

  • Please pray for all to have their hearts open to Jesus, for a return to Christian values and morals

  • That abortion be universally recognized as the unjust taking of an innocent, helpless human life.

  • That society support women in pregnancy crisis so that giving birth is seen as do-able and right. To pass the Care for Her Act in the USA (HR5163) that does just this.

  • That induced abortion become recognized as a terrible violation of human rights for the unborn.

  • For National Day of Prayer weekly intentions for US Government and officials.

  • For all those referred to the Confraternity of Penitents through the Vocation Placement Referral program, that God may lead them into the path on which He wishes them to walk.

  • For the prayer requests of the Holy Innocents Prayer Line.

  • For all those on the Precious Blood, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Shalom Media, and Margo Snyder's Prayer Lists. For God’s guidance for the Unthinkable movie being produced by Abby Johnson.

  • Please pray for Charles Opara who needs a better job. His family is in great need.

  • Gratitude for completion of Guadalupe Vita Dei House. For a holy priest will live there with residents. See

  • All sponsored priests in Mary, Mother of Priests Chapel and all benefactors (

January 2025


  • For Shelia and her husband who has kidney failure.

  • For Kelly

  • For Michael Drobney, fractured shoulder and cut eyelid in a fall and for his wife Pam who is very stressed--they have both been ill with some nasty flu bug

  • Repose of the soul of Mike Kacprowicz (sudden death), widow Sharon, and family

  • Little Emmy--breathing issues. For Daniel and Kimberly.

  • Mike who fell and broke his hip; Liz who had a stroke.

  • Fr Mike Batcho suddenly ill. Heavy breathing, delirious, refused 911. Symptoms of stroke. Fr. Rob with him. Fr. Mike refused call for ambulance. Wants to die at home.

  • Randy Joseph Klem, 2 years old, healing from pneumonia prayers please 

  • Safe delivery for Stephanie--baby overdue

  • For Gerry--possible lung cancer but doctors unsure. Seems like it has disappeared.

  • Pray for conversion and eternal salvation of Father Felix.

  • Pray for grace of final perseverance and holy death for Luisa Monteiro.

  • All impacted by wildfires in California and other areas

  • Repose of the sould of Patrick Mullane, Walter Wood, Mike Kacprowicz, and their families

  • Melanie, recovery from cancer

  • Tracy Prather -- Botched hernia operation followed by another botched operation to repair the botch last year. Doctors trying to figure out what to do because they don't want to put her through another surgical ordeal.

  • Pastor Donny Foster--God make His Will known and for more good volunteers for soup kitchen who know what to do

  • Sandy Seyfert--health issues, knee replacement healing, selling family business, husband Joe with Parkinson's and dementia

  • Shannon, Mike, James--to get good jobs

  • Endoscopy to reveal no cancer

  • Tracy Prather -- Botched hernia operation followed by another botched operation to repair the botch last year.

  • Repose of soul of Kellen who died on Christmas. Repose of the soul of Tony Conrad.

  • Repose of the soul of Fr. Coleman Studeny, OFM Cap, 90 years old, and Joseph Shircliff, 8 years old. 

  • Sale of family business--owners are elderly and in poor health

  • Healing for Linda Larocca

  • Fr. Brian Newman -- cancer. In hospice.

  • Jonathan Golda--bearing pain, fighting discouragement and depression

  • Fr. Dan Mindling -- broken arm.

  • Fr. Bill Henn --outpatient physical therapy; for Kelly

  • Fr. Liam Leitem--sepsis; for Susan and Dick Thompson

  • Fr. Allan Wasiecko--broken femur; Kathy - medical emergency

  • Fr. Sam Driscoll--pulmonary problems; John--heart transplant surgery

  • Repose of the soul of Reyna Dunlap, for those investigating her suspicious death, that justice be done, and for her family

  • Sylvia -- praying to discern moving from Tucson

  • Noah--14 year old with leukemia; Mary Hatch--cancer of the face

  • Repose of the soul of Janice Yenney

December 2024

  • Repose of the soul of Robert Peterson and for his family--death was sudden and family is in shock

  • For Fr. James Peterson, Robert's brother, suffering after Robert's death

  • Stephen, 43 years old, had a stroke. Family has young children and wife Audrey is a drug addict and tried to commit suicide foru times in the past 3 years. 

  • Repose of the soul of Monsignor Philip Reilly and of Alan Napleton

  • Repose of the soul of Mary Jane Schlegel and for husband Alexis who is grieving and for family members

  • For Mary Ann Shanahan, CFP, in hospice and dying

  •  From Mr. Rajiv uttankar from India. Please pray to Holy Spirit to take control of my life and my family. I am struggling in work, business & career. I am struggling to find a life partner. Please keep my intentions in your daily prayers. I will pray for you all

  • Karen – blot clot issues

  • Mary Rinaldo, -return of non Hodgkins lymphoma after being in remission

  • Repose of souls of Fr. Adam Schmidt, Richard King, OP, Bridget Opara, and Anna A. Jetmore

  • Phil Robertson—blood disorder and Alzheimer's

  • Pepe Ventosa--Stage 1 renal cancer

  • Successful heart catheterization for Dan.

  • Ill: Karey Gonyon, Juliann Grennen, Lisa Caltieri, Tom Costello, Jose, Dabid Hinchy, Bob Libby ofs, Deacon Louis Anatrella, Martha Scionfenza ofs, Kevin Carney ofs, Joyce Carolyn, Deacon Robert Lyon, Pauline DiCicco ofs, Ken Keeley, Patty, Callie Farley, Annemarie, Katie, Diane Robertson, Daniel & Amanda Keenan

  • Repose of the souls of: Alice Dillon, James Groark Jr, Barbara Ligarzewski, Tanjit, John Carver, Fr John Deniz, John Matthews, Lorraine Guerin, Matthew Rankel, Anne Weiler, Thomas Arkinson Sr, Michael Shiel, Deacon Frank Barone, Deacon Sal Villani, Pierre, Frances skinner OFS, Joan Heimerich, Mother Lucille Cutrone CFR, Noeline Sebastian, Eugene Ledwith, Helle, Nick Collins, Deacon Dominique Selien, Baby Girl, Genevieve Hill, Deacon Steve Hayes, Frank Felbinge

  • SPECIAL INTENTIONS: Gratitude, JAP, MDF, MDCs, Lucke Family, Friends of Francis, Daniel Coppolo, David Hinchy, Bryan McGarry, Gloria, Jim Love, Vicent Wooten, Gary Hines, Kevin Smurphat, Angelo and Burmese students, BRL, FLC, Tau Cross Region, Maxine, Confirmandi, Bishop John Barres, Aidan Albers, Katelyn Ciprian, Tristan Hollenstein, Gloria, Johnny Y, Susan, Tim Henry, Lorena, Roy, Ruth, Echeverry Family, Maria Steen, Mr Marino, Laura, Dolly, Elizabeth, Gladis, Teresa, Diana Zappelli, Forero Family, Fr Tom, Jonathan Gamarra, Donnie Rickmyre, Betty McHale

  • From the Alessandro Prison Ministry: Please pray for Carlos, Rene, Curtis, and now Josh, seeking sacraments of initiation. In addition, there is another man in our unit in the Academy rediscovering his Catholic faith, including finding a Catholic Bible Study correspondence course.

  • For Pastor Chris and Dad's Place homeless shelter in OH

  • Jyll and Dorothy, Lily Jayada

  • Repose of the souls of Mary Ehinger, Amy Pressey, Jimmy Carter, Richard Stieglitz, and Barb

  • Recovery from cataract surgery for Margie

  • Joe, brain bleed, Beverly -- PET scan and cancer treatments

  • Jonathan Golda, depression and physical issues and his parents Cheri and Steve

  • For Lauren to be given a less stressful job by her current employer or to find new, peaceful employment. 

  • Bryan LaHaise, slipped and cracked his ankle. Needs to be in a cast for 2 months.

  • For Pat and Rachel whose full term baby Chase was still born and for their grieving family members. Much healing needed as tehre is a lot of anger at God and doctors.

  • Repose of the souls of Barb and Sue, aunts of Robert Messer.

  • John, recovery from heart transplant.

  • For Bob Messer to do well in his organization and leadership of a New Way of Life group.

  • Rene Rodriguez, Carlos Sanchez, Curtis Jarosak, and Joshua Kruger, all in RCIA and their instructor Anthony LaCalamita.

  • That Catholics read "Spes non confundit" that offers an inspirational excerpt for prisoners, as Pope Francis proposes that "governments undertake initiatives aimed at restoring hope, forms of amnesty or pardon meant to help individuals regain confidence in themselves and in society, and programs of reintegration into the community..." Pray that more Catholics would read this and remember those of in prison and their needs: spiritual, emotional, and material. 

  • Baby Willow, born by emergency C-section at 21 weeks, passed away. Please pray for her parents Dave and Kate as they deal with their second loss of a child.

  •  Please pray that Michigan lawmakers can see the value in Second Look bill to assist prisoners and that the governor sign it into law.

November 2024


  • Gerry Egan, possible lung cancer. Smoker all her life.
  • Please pray for Gay, she has intense pain in her legs. Dawn—recovery from surgery Nov. 13

  • Jackqueline elderly .Her daughter Tandeka and her girlfiend live there and are abusing her and using her money.

  • Norma, lost vision.

  • Repose of the soul of Dale Cavalero and for his wife Jessica and his sons Peter and William and other family members. Dale died unexpectedly at the age of 36.

  • Carl-debilitating health issues

  • Charles Coey—discernment

  • Mary Hatch—eyes, cancer on her face, surrender to God’ Will

  • Charles—teaching in Catholic school, discerning his future vocation

  • Person diagnosed with blood cancer

  • Repose of soul of Tony Conrad (18 years old, cancer)

  • David Young's Grandmother Ann and Audrey Ridgell, both of whom are dying

  • Repose of the souls of  Fr. Adan Schmitt and Dale Cavallaro and their families

  • Repose of the souls of Bishop Louis E. Gelineau.

  • Recovery from hip surgery--Diane Santaniello

  • Please pray for Carlos, Rene, Curtis, and now Josh, seeking sacraments of initiation (incarcerated men). In addition, there is another man in our unit in the Academy rediscovering his Catholic faith, including finding a Catholic Bible Study correspondence course.

  • Louise, health issues; Aria on life support; 3 year old Russell needs colonoscopy to diagnose gastrointestinal issues

  • Christina--cancer and possible septicemia 

  • Conversion of Bryan's mother and sister to Catholic faith.

  • Conversions and all kinds of healings of my brothers Irfan, FARUK and Ali and Tahsin and all my brothers and my sister Fevziye R and for me Mufide R. and all my nieces and nephews, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. God will Bless you. Mufide Mary R.

  • Pat Fitzgerald's sister

  • For Marie who is dying and husband Eric who is caring for her

  • For Pat Roveda and all others suffering from hurricane and other natural losses 

  • For Honora's car to be repaired for a reasonable cost

  • Health issues, breathing issues -- Bryan L

  • Brian Fisher--still struggling after complex surgery and for his wife Katherine

  • Please pray for Rosie & Cheryl,  Mrs Tokorski,  Phil, Sarah, & Cathy.

  • The soul of John, who passed away on 11/19/24 and of Jordan Miller.

  • 3 special intentions.

  • Nicole--trying to escape coven influence and for her mental issues

  • Sue Brady--health concerns, family stresses

  • Charles Opara--caring for his mom Bridget who had a partial stroke. 

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