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Postulant Application

Please fill out application below.

If you prefer to email or mail the application use the form after the online form to copy and paste this application into an email or print it out and mail it in.

Email or mail this form if you do not want to fill out the online version.


We ask that an application be completed yearly in February, to be submitted before Ash Wednesday.


Date of Application:_____Day _______Month _________Year (Note: A copy of your updated Baptismal Certificate will be required to enter Novice formation.)


If you are applying to enter the postulancy, please check here____________If you are applying to continue the postulancy, please check here ____________


Would you do formation via ___ internet ____ postal mail ____ in local CFP Circle or Chapter?


Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss_________________________________________________  (last name)                           (first name)           (middle name)


Address__________________________________________________________  City_________________________________State_______ Zip______________


Telephone Number (area code first)____________________________________  e mail address_____________________________________________________


Date of Birth ___(day) ____(month) _____(year)


Circle: Married -- Single -- Div. -- Sep. -- Annul 


Your Parish_______________________________________________________ (name)                                   (city and state)


Check here if applying for Associate Status _____________ 


On another sheet of paper, please tell us a bit about your personal and family background (personal history, family, work, children, faith journey, etc.).





Have you read and understood the Rule and Constitutions of the Confraternity of Penitents?______ Are you in agreement with these?____  


Do you wish to live this way of life?____  


Do you feel that God is calling you to become a penitent by living according to the Rule and Constitutions for the Confraternity of Penitents? _____  


Are you willing to surrender yourself, everything, and everyone in your life to God?____  


Do you seek union with God's will in every aspect of your life?____  


On another sheet of paper, please explain why you would like to enter the postulancy of the Confraternity of Penitents.  






Only Catholics who accept all the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and who are in union with the Pope in communion with the bishops, can be accepted into this Confraternity. These include all the teachings on marriage, birth control, abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, the death penalty, war, chastity according to your state in life, the sacramental priesthood, the Church's stance on ordaining women, Eucharist, Penance, dogmas on the saints, Mary, etc. Do you accept all these teachings in their entirety as well as the authority of the Holy Father in communion with the bishops?_________________


If you do not agree, read further. a. If you are a Catholic but are unsure as to what these teachings are, are you willing to accept them because the Church, established by Christ Himself, so teaches?____________  


b. If you are of another faith, you may be accepted as an Associate member of the Confraternity of Penitents on the condition that you understand that lessons of formation will be Catholic in orientation.


Are you willing to accept this?__________  


Married applicants must have their spouse's consent to live this Rule. If the couple is separated, then spousal consent is not necessary. Do you have your spouse's consent to live this Rule?______ Explain:  




___ You are a member of a Third Order which disallows dual membership in that Order and the CFP. These include the Secular Franciscan Order, Third Order Carmelites, and Tau Maria. Please circle your Order or write it here:_________ 


___You had previously been a member of the CFP but then dropped from either the inquiry stage or formation.  

___You are a non-Catholic.  

___You are a Catholic in an irregular marital situation (that is, you had been married, then obtained a civil divorce but not an annulment, and have since remarried. Or you have been married by a Justice of the Peace or are in a "common law" marriage.). 

___You do not have spousal approval. 

___You are a non-practicing Catholic. 

___You have another condition which may preclude full membership. Please name:  



If you meet one of these conditions, you may be accepted into formation as an Associate of the Confraternity. With permission, you may attend all CFP on line and other gatherings. You will live as much of the Rule and Constitutions as possible. Associates are not members of the CFP nor may they pledge to live the Rule. They cannot hold office, vote, or conduct formation in the CFP. If the situation which caused an individual to be accepted as an Associate is rectified, or if an Associate who previously dropped from the CFP persists as an Associate for several years, the Associate may then apply for full membership without losing any formation time. If Associate status interests or applies to you, please share on another sheet of paper why you would like to enter formation as a CFP Associate. 


My next of kin/good friend is:  Name: _______________________________________________________________


 Address:________________________________________Phone:_________________________________ I have asked them to contact my Chapter or Circle of the CFP for me should I be unable to do so, and they may be contacted for information on me.


Your Signature ___________________________Date______________  


Attached to this are my brief biography and an explanation of why I would like to enter formation in the Confraternity of Penitents.  


Make two copies of this application. Keep one copy yourself. Give one copy to your Chapter or Circle Minister, if you are in a Chapter or Circle. If not, then mail a copy to your Regional Minister. Mail the original to the Confraternity of Penitents, 1702 Lumbard Street, Fort Wayne Indiana 46803 USA. Thanks and God bless!

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