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Please the Lord

When we are kids, we get so excited when either mom or dad arrive home. We can't help, but to be happy and smile. When children are in presence of their parents, they have one simple objective in their little minds—to please them. They do anything to grab their attention and manifest their deep love towards them, they are relentless doing so. This is one of the reasons why the gospel reminds us to be like children, so we do anything to please the Lord.

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Living the gospel

Robert Cardinal Sarah writes in an article that the mission of religious communities and I include here the Confraternity of Penitents as a Lay Religious Organization, is to live out with fid

Created for a time like this.

In an article in the Advocate Josh Johnson has a first hand perspective on being black. He is also a Priest and a son of a cop. In his experience he has been through it all. Read what he has to say

A Time to Die

Nicholas Diat wrote a beautiful book about how monks die, their struggles, faith, piece, humanity, and fears. Death should always be something a penitent bears in mind, because we are all heading towa

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